Friday, September 19, 2014

I'm 25% Dead

       25% DEAD

       Well internet, it's been a minute since our last conversation. I decided to add another instalment in my blog today specifically because it's the night before my 25th birthday.

* wipes away tears *

     I know, I know, who cares about your 25th birthday Ethan Page... well, I DO! This milestone year represent a promise I made to my parents 8 years ago when I started as a pro wrestler.

Mom: So, how long you going to do this stupid wrestling stuff?

Ethan Page: Come on, at least let me try, I promise if I don't make it by the time I'm 25 I'll quit.

Mom: Deal, go try

And so began my path of becoming a professional wrestler.

So, come midnight tonight I'll be 25 & need to own up to my promise I made 8 years ago, luckily though.... I've made it.

I realize I'm not a millionaire, under contract with WWE or TNA .... or even ROH. But a nice conversation I had with 2 Cleveland friends of mine while I was having a career breakdown really turned my perspective around. To me "making it" always meant being a full-time wrestler on TV or being rich. But my good friends made me realize I really have made it. I had a dream to just BE a dude on the indies when I first started. Literally just wanted 1 booking a month & to be able to tell people I was a wrestler. As years past I always had my dreams grow, but always idolized & looked up to guys who wrestled for IWA-MS, Chikara, CZW, PWG & ROH. As time passed, IWA-MS left for good (... it hasn't come back, stop kidding yourselves) & the AIW's & AAW's started to fill the void. At the same time guys who worked for IWA-MS, CZW, ROH & such were all leaving the indies & more voids needed to be filled. In my humble (ya right) opinion, I truly believe I can say I filled a bit of that void on the indies. I am one of those guys I used to look up to. So in my eyes & my opinion, this to me is MAKING IT.

So to my mother I say, enjoy the next 25 years of my wrestling career. Hahahaha. In all seriousness I know how proud my parents are of me & everything I've accomplished & will continue to support me. This was more just for me to reflect on my empty promise to my parents & to reassess my point of view myself & my position in wrestling.

So long story short, I'm 25 years old & to the 17 year old me who started out in wrestling.... I'm doing just fine. I love wrestling & all the cool stuff it's given me & memories I've created. 25 years on earth have been well spent.

On that note, make sure to check out BKPW in Niagara Falls Saturday Sept 20th (my birthday)
Twitter: @BKPW_NF


Sept 21st is a HUGE 2 EVENTS IN ONE!
Fringe Pro - 12:30pm Monster Mafia in action!

Alpha-1 Wrestling 4pm - 1 day tournament for one of my favorite companies! has details! Event features Curt Hawkins!

Thanks for supporting my first 8 years in wrestling everybody, here is to 8 more!

- Ethan Page